studi kasus client activo



Several of our banking clients still used spreadsheet (manual) to manage their fixed asset. Problems also happens because there are many asset scattered, unclear, unsynchronized data asset, and don’t have label for their assets so they can’t do stock opname. Other than that, our client also need to record their inventory asset so it can be track.


Activo as a fixed asset management solutions helps tidy up their assets data so it can be well managed, assisting the process of tagging their assets so clients can do stock opname using Activo mobile more efficient and effective, and also provide inventory module to track their inventory asset.


After using Activo, our client can improved asset tracking monitoring, reduced inefficiency and overhead cost. More importants, clients can do better planning for replacement or upgraded their fixed asset.



There are issues with existing fixed asset management application such as can not support custom report, asset registration no detailed, no support from principal, and cost of annual maintenance quite expensive so they need to another fixed asset management system to substitute current system. Client also need to tracking assets realtime.


Activo implementation end-to-end fixed asset management solutions with details features that meet clients need and can create custom report using report generator. Activo also implementation RFID to tracking asset in a realtime.


After using Activo, clients can tracking their asset in a real time using RFID, efficiency cost fixed asset management and improve asset tracking monitoring. Clients also can presents report according to company templates.



Our clients still used manual process to manage their fixed asset management and need a system that can be record detail information about current asset. Clients also difficult to tracking asset that are in maintenance.


Activo provide solutions according to client needs and implementation maintenance module to make it easy for tracking asset that will, currently, and must be maintained. Activo also assisting the process of tagging their assets.


With a good benefit of Activo, clients can improved asset tracking monitoring including the assets that need and must be maintained. Client also can reduced inefficiency, overhead cost, and removal of ghost assets.



Our client currently need end to end Fixed Asset Management System (from asset registration until asset dispose can be done in one system) including identified the asset with barcode label.


Activo deliver solution that meet requirement clients from asset registration, asset tracking, asset transfer, and barcoding. Activo also implementation notification module a feature with scheduler capability in sending routine report data asset per branch. Activo also help client to tagging their fixed asset with QR code label.


With a good benefit of Activo, the company have good experience to manage and track asset in one system. Stock taking also can be done faster and effective using Activo Mobile.