asset registration

Fixed Asset Register

asset registration

Fixed Asset Register

Fixed Asset Register defined as an accounting method used to keep track of the fixed assets of a firm. It simply a register listing each asset a company owns. This register will record the asset names, where the asset is located, who is responsible for the asset, the asset cost, and what the expected asset value is.

A good Fixed Asset Register will also show each assets depreciation since the purchase date and clearly stating its current value. A Company should know where their assets at and what condition they are in. The Asset Register also provide major benefits for necessary details to compute  depreciation and tax purposes.

How Activo Asset Register Software Feature can help you create Registration Asset with detail information:

  • Asset details (type, serial number, description)
  • Movement asset to different locations, cost center or people
  • Purchase price & current Value
  • Warranty, maintenance dates & costs
  • Asset Lease & rental information
  • Customize field for asset & master data
  • Upload File for asset & master data
  • Attachments asset (parent & child feature)
  • Change history & audit trail
  • Record the Asset Accessories

Pencatatan Aset

Pencatatan Aktiva Tetap (Fixed Asset Register) didefinisikan sebagai metode akuntansi yang berfungsi melacak aktiva tetap dalam perusahaan. Secara sederhana, Asset Register mencatat setiap aset yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan. Register ini akan menyimpan informasi mengenai nama aset, dimana lokasi aset berada, siapa yang bertanggung jawab terhadap aset tersebut, harga aset, dan perikiraan perubahan harga aset.

Asset Register juga akan menunjukkan depresiasi dari tiap aset sejak aset dibeli dan perubahan dari nilainya. Sebuah bisnis harus mengetahui dimana dan dalam kondisi bagaimana aset mereka berada. Penggunaan Asset Register juga memberikan nilai lebih dalam menghitung depresiasi dan pajak secara detail.

Bagaimana fitur dari Asset Register Activo dapat membantu anda dengan detail informasi sebagai berikut:

  • Asset details (type, serial number, description)
  • Movement asset to different locations, cost center or people
  • Purchase price & current Value
  • Warranty, maintenance dates & costs
  • Asset Lease & rental information
  • Customize field for asset & master data
  • Upload File for asset & master data
  • Attachments asset (parent & child feature)
  • Change history & audit trail
  • Record the Asset Accessories