On Monday 13 June 2016, Activo Team was invited to Buka Bersama and Gathering event by Brother Indonesia. The event was held at Le Meredien Hotel at South Jakarta.
This is the event where we have so many chances to gain knowledge, meeting vendors and other business opportunities.
Brother is a Japanese multinational electronics and electrical equipment company. Established in 1954, Brother is a premier provider of home, home office, and business products, as well as industrial solutions.
In the future, we hope there will be more business partnership between Brother and Activo.
Pada Senin 13 Juni 2016, kami Team Activo berkesempatan menghadiri acara Buka Bersama dan Gathering oleh Brother Indonesia. Event diselenggarakan di Le Meredien Hotel Jakarta Selatan.
Pada event ini kami berkesempatan untuk menambah pengetahuan, bertemu para vendor dan peluang bisnis lainnya.
Brother adalah perusahaan elektronik multinasional asal Jepang. Berdiri pada 1954, PT Brother Internasional Sales Indonesia berdiri pada bulan April 2009 dengan fungsi operasionalnya seperti sales, marketing, dan service.
Di masa depan, kami berharap akan lebih banyak kerjasama dan peluang bisnis antara Brother dan Activo.